1 June 2001

Translated transcript of the testimony of Devyani Rana recorded by Nepal’s Ambassador India Bhekh Bahadur Thapa on 11 June 2001, and dispatched to the High-level Investigation Committee chaired by House Speaker Taranath Ranabhat in Kathmandu. The tape arrived in a sealed envelope and was opened in the presence of Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala and other members of the committee:

Devyani Rajya Laxmi Rana 

BBT: It is 8:15pm on 11 June 2001 in New Delhi and I am Royal Nepalese Ambassador Bhekh Bahadur Thapa and I am speaking to you, Devyanai Rana. I request you to state your name.

DR: Devyani Rajya Laxmi Rana

BBT: Also present at Mohan Bahadur Silwal, Counsellor Royal Nepalese Embassy and Dr Jain, Please identify yourself. 

Dr Jain: Doctor S K Jain.

BBT: He is here for Miss Devyani Rana’s medical treatment. On instruction of the investigating committee, I am asking you some questions about the event that transpired at the Royal palace in Kathmandu on the night of 1 June. Please answer whatever you know in the best possible way. Why are you in Delhi, and what are you doing here?

DR: I am not well. And the Doctor (weeping) … treatment …

BBT: What do you know about the event I described earlier?

DR: I do not know anything more about this. I had never imagined such a thing could happen.

BBT: What do you have to say about the relationship between you and the then His royal Highness the Crown Prince? 

DR: (weeping) … it was personal and I would not like to talk about it… (weeping)

BBT: Telephone logs show that you had a long conversation between 8 to 9 in the evening with the royal palace. Try to remember with whom you had that conversation and what you talked about. I would request you to provide this information.

DR: What I remember is that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince called me after 8pm. He asked if I was coming for the inauguration of the National Sports Day on Sunday. He was calling on his mobile and my mobile was not very clear (weeping). I said I did not understand. He asked again, but before I could reply he hung up. I tried to call His Royal Highness back. His phone rang and rang, but he did not pick up. If he did not pick up a call, the mobile would automatically transfer the call to his ADC. The duty ADC picked up the phone. I told him that His Royal Highness had slurred speech and if he was ok … I requested him to go upstairs to his room and check up on him. And I hung up.

Crown Prince Dipendra on 31 May 2001 at the Sports Academy at Satdobato in Lalitpur. Photo: RABI MANANDHAR

After a while His Royal Highness called back. He said he would call me back the next morning, and wished me good night. I also said good night. Again, he said I am about to go to bed and repeated good night.

BBT: During your conversation with His Royal Highness, did you find him as usual or did you hear or feel anything specifically different?

DR: His Royal Highness’ voice was slurred. As I said earlier, I had a feeling he may not be well.  Which is why (weeping) during his contact with the ADC I requested him to go upstairs to his room. (weeping, coughing)

BBT: Aside from this, is there any other information you can share, or not? 

DR: I do not know anything more (weeping, sobbing) 

BBT: Thank you. Dr Jain … Devyani … As instructed, this tape was prepared as per the above questions. It will now be sent to Kathmandu.

(Based on the report of the High-level Investigation Committee on the event at the Royal Palace on 1 June 2001. The Nepali text is here.)