What I like about Nepal

Let’s take a break from serious politics this week for a throwback from Kunda Dixit's Under My Hat satire column from 20 years ago in which he presents a tongue-in-cheek list of what he likes best about Nepal. Not surprisingly, each of these items is still relevant.

Excerpts of an Under My Hat column published in issue #205 16-22 July 2004:

What I like about Nepal:

1. We smile through all troubles, no matter how hard the times we always see the glass as half full because we know that things are going to get much worse.

 2. Nepal posted a 4.6% growth rate in the last fiscal year, everything grew: the deficit, the concentration of particles below ten microns at Putali Sadak, the number of days the country shut down, and according to a news item this week in the national dailies 'the illegal flesh trade mushroomed'. Or was it 'the illegal mushroom trade was fleshed out'? 

 3. We have lots of holidays.

4. Free weight loss clinics for politicians. Former ministers protesting regression can now burn off excess fat by taking part in relay hunger strikes. 

5. In a welcome development for gun enthusiasts, Kathmandu's discos are in the process of being converted into shooting ranges. Bouncers will give you a body search to check if you haven't inadvertently left your firearm at home. 

6. Mud baths. Only in the most expensive spas in the world would you pay an arm and a leg to get yourself covered from nose to toe in therapeutic volcanic mud to give your skin that younger, healthier tone. In Kathmandu, during the monsoon, mud slinging is free.

7. Kathmandu's roads may have potholes, but they are paved with good intentions

8. We never do today what can be done the day after tomorrow.

For archived material of Nepali Times of the past 20 years, site search: nepalitimes.com