Nepali band raises money for Swiss charity

Solidarity concerts by Nepali classical music trio repays Switzerland for help after 2015 earthquake

World Bank flip-flop on Upper Arun

30 years after pulling out of Arun III, the global lender goes quiet on another hydropower project in Nepal

Ramesh Kumar

Common minimum performance

Oblivious to rising public discontent, Nepal’s ruling coalition offers band aid response

Shristi Karki

Medicine on the move

The Asia-Pacific Travel Health Conference in Kathmandu to discuss disease dynamics in an interconnected world

Shristi Karki

“The most amazing thing about Nepal are its people”

Daniela-Mariana Sezonov Ţane was fascinated with the teachings of the Hindu epics, and studied Hindi at the University of Bucharest before joining...

Nepali Times

State vs Nature

Nepal’s Supreme Court has summoned the President Chure Terai Madhesh Conservation Development Board and the National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) in...

Not out of the woods yet in Nepal

The draft of a new national park and wildlife conservation bill threatens to undo Nepal’s decades-long success in nature protection

Santa Gaha Magar

Poor safety to hit Nepal tourism

Fears that headline-making aviation and highway crashes will impact on Indian visitors

Sonia Awale

Rights groups call Nepal’s peace bill a ‘flawed step forward’

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch in joint statement say transitional justice law has ‘serious shortcomings’

Nepali Times