Holi days along the border
This week’s festival binds Nepal’s ethnicities and geographies together in a celebration of coexistence
This week’s festival binds Nepal’s ethnicities and geographies together in a celebration of coexistence
Once upon a time, Nepalis had to travel through India by railway to reach another part of Nepal
Every five years, the mass animal sacrifice in a tiny village in Nepal pits activists against devotees
One in three urban Nepali children have dangerously high blood lead levels
Which gets more media: the 10 people killed by tigers every year, or the 3,000 who die from snake bites?
Grade 9 Social Studies textbooks present a toxic interpretation of the open Nepal-India border
Message of Indian elections to Nepal: mixing politics with religion does not work
Cultural preservation needs to move beyond Kathmandu Valley to hidden historical sites in the Tarai
The smoke blanketing Nepal this week is not just from forest fires but also burning wheat stalk after harvest
As boundary walls go up around the world, the open Nepal-India border should be a model