Combining IPCC targets with SDGs
The IPCC meet in China this week is urged to integrate Sustainable Development Goals with climate targets
The IPCC meet in China this week is urged to integrate Sustainable Development Goals with climate targets
Government must prepare to forcefully push the loss and damage agenda at COP28 in Dubai
Flip-flopping tax rates on battery powered vehicles undermine Nepal’s climate targets and public health
The decisions urban centres take to combat the crisis today will shape the future
Deputy Director General of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Izabella Koziell recently won the UN Women Rise and Raise...
Imagine a world where the people hit hardest by climate crisis have a say in how to stop it. Imagine that youth,...
I start every day scrolling through my phone for updates on climate change. My email has become a landing zone for climate...
In a symbolic commemoration of Earth Day on 22 April, Indian environmentalists from Ladakh brought down a block of glacial ice and...
Geopolitical and economic rivalry between China and the United States, the world’s two largest carbon emitters, distracted delegates at the COP26 Climate Summit...
The COP26 climate jamboree ends in Glasgow on Friday, and already it looks like the best world governments are prepared to offer...