
Combining IPCC targets with SDGs

The IPCC meet in China this week is urged to integrate Sustainable Development Goals with climate targets

IPCC vice-chair vows to give Himalayas attention they deserve

The first Nepali scientist to be elected to the bureau discusses representation and power dynamics at the world’s foremost climate science body

Nepal needs to get its climate act together

The United Nations General Assembly is convening just six weeks ahead of the UN’s COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, and follows a stark warning...

Decarbonisation needs to begin today

 The present concentration of carbon dioxide in earth’s atmosphere is the highest in 2 million years. The average atmospheric temperature in the decade 2011-2020 is...

UN climate report declares planetary emergency

As if the drought, wildfire and flood disasters this year were not bad enough, scientists have warned that unless the world reduces emissions of greenhouse gases drastically, these...

A hotter Himalaya

Scientists are loath to link individual weather events with climate change. But there is a growing consensus among climate researchers that warmer...

The Third Pole is warming faster than expected

Climate scientists are shocked at the melt rate of Arctic sea ice and the Greenland ice-cap this summer, but the alarm bells...

Kunda Dixit

Act globally, think locally

As nearly 300 scientists from 60 countries arrived in Kathmandu this week to attend the second meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on...

Weather warning for climate meeting

More than 260 scientists from 60 countries are in Kathmandu this week to work on their next report on the global climate...

Sonia Awale

From playing victim to proactive leadership on climate

Gebru Jember Endalew has been involved in UN negotiations on climate change since 2008 as a core member of the Ethiopian negotiating...