
Muktikot still waiting for liberation

Two decades after Maoists promised prosperity, this Dalit village in Nepal has been forgotten

Nepal’s ‘long-Covid’ impact on children

While ‘long-Covid’ has come to mean lingering symptoms among survivors of Covid-19 infections, in Nepal it connotes the long-term socio-economic impact of...

Toilet-trained in Nepal

The tactile pavement leads into a reception area inside a cylinder-shaped red brick building. The user pays Rs10, and the staff hands...

Hunger for governance

Nepal has had one emergency heaped on top of another for more than a year now. The Covid-19 emergency, wildfires, and now floods.Political flux in...

Too little, too much, or too polluted

When NASA explores other planets, the test of whether there is life, is to detect the presence of water. Here on Earth,...

Lockdown may be over, but pandemic is not

As the number of cases and fatalities rose in the central Tarai districts this week, the big debate is whether Nepal has...

Keeping nose and throat clean

Nepal has had three months of lead time to study the coronavirus pandemic and behaviours that have been associated with flattening the curve of...

Nepali ultra-marathoner’s anti-litter drive

One of the best and nearest hiking trails from Kathmandu is the Champadevi-Chandragiri walk – it offers a splendid view of the Himalaya as...

Do not fail students in WASH

Nepal must ensure progress in water, sanitation and health continues, so children stay in school

Marty Logan

Survey is wakeup call for Nepal government

There was great hope among Nepalis that the first local government elections in two decades, in 2017, would finally improve accountability and...