Pump water, store energy
Rethinking future energy development in Nepal by combining solar and hydro energy
Rethinking future energy development in Nepal by combining solar and hydro energy
A shift to clean energy is long overdue in Nepal, not so much to save the planet but to save our economy
Nepal’s diverse climate and topography favors a maximum number of species in such a small area, but this biodiversity is threatened by...
We are at a critical moment for the future of our planet. Temperatures are rising, storms are raging, and crops are failing...
The increased frequency of climate-induced weather extremes and public opinion pressure are forcing even major fossil fuel exporting countries in West Asia...
Residents of Kathmandu by now know that they breathe some of the dirtiest air in the world. But unlike elsewhere, that awareness...
This is the season for windstorms, and even though the whirlwind that hit the central Tarai on 31 March killing 28 people...
Helplessness and depression. That was how the Fukushima Disaster in 2011 affected middle-aged Seoul resident Kim So-young. A mother of teenage twin...
Every watt of electricity saved is twice the power generated