
Wildfire season starts early in Nepal

A prolonged winter drought has sparked an early start of the annual spring fires

Smoke Screen

Climate breakdown is not the only reason for this year's unprecedented wildfires across Nepal

Disastrous preparedness

Nine years after the 2015 earthquake is a good time to begin preparing to be prepared for multi-hazards

Going up in smoke

The smoke blanketing Nepal this week is not just from forest fires but also burning wheat stalk after harvest

Chandra Kishore

Nepal suffers another winter drought

Climate impact: 8 of last 12 winters had prolonged drought affecting agriculture and sparking wildfires

More pre-monsoon forest fires in Nepal

Government inaction, legal ambiguity, climate change and disregard for traditional knowledge increase wildfire risk

Protecting Nepal's forests from fires

March 2022 was one of the hottest recorded in the Subcontinent. April also saw sweltering conditions in Nepal’s Tarai plains.This is the...

Himalayan floods a sign of worse to come

Nepal’s trans-Himalayan district of Manang is located in the rain-shadow, and is a high altitude desert. Its average annual rainfall is barely...

UN climate report declares planetary emergency

As if the drought, wildfire and flood disasters this year were not bad enough, scientists have warned that unless the world reduces emissions of greenhouse gases drastically, these...

A hotter Himalaya

Scientists are loath to link individual weather events with climate change. But there is a growing consensus among climate researchers that warmer...