

Nepal clamped its first Covid lockdown on 24 March 2020, and five years later many have forgotten what it was like

Sonia Awale

Still learning lessons from COVID

Nepal is a contributor to an important recovery trial that discovered treatment for coronavirus disease

Sonia Awale

New dengue outbreak likely this monsoon

Last year’s dengue virus is in mosquito larvae, ready to spread when the rains come

Sonia Awale

Another Covid wave, but milder

Experts urge caution for at risk groups, but no panic

Sonia Awale

China’s surge: should Nepal be worried?

It was exactly three years ago that the novel coronavirus first emerged from Wuhan. SARS-COV-2 has now come full circle as cases...

Sonia Awale

1. Mask Up. 2. Avoid Crowds. 3. Get Boosters

A new surge in Covid cases in Nepal has served as a reminder that the pandemic is not over yet, and on the need...

Sonia Awale

Not over till it's over

On 23 March, Nepal recorded 38 new Covid-19 cases, one of the lowest figures since early 2020. The pandemic does not make...

Sky high fuel price hits Nepal’s tourism, airlines

One month after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the fallout of the war on global fuel prices threatens to derail Nepal’s aviation and tourism sector which was...

Pandemic eclipses Nepal's TB epidemic

Tuberculosis kills many more Nepalis than Covid-19, but prevention, early diagnosis and treatment will save lives

From pandemic to epidemic to endemic

While many countries lift mask mandates and coronavirus restrictions, Hong Kong and China are reeling from an Omicrons surge. Britain, the US...