Saving the Karnali otters
Communities protect rare mammals important for aquatic ecosystem balance
Communities protect rare mammals important for aquatic ecosystem balance
As wildlife numbers increase, local communities balance human-wildlife coexistence
The draft of a new national park and wildlife conservation bill threatens to undo Nepal’s decades-long success in nature protection
Tigers and rhinos get all the attention, but there are other less glamorous endangered wildlife
Despite the military's anti-poaching role, local communities have a better track record in conservation
Highways, irrigation canals, transmission lines and new railways disturb Nepal’s national parks
Tucked away in northern Chitwan between the Prithvi and Mahendra Highways is a land that has been bypassed by time. And this...
In January this year, my husband sent me an image of a small dead cat. A forest officer in West Nawalparasi had...
3 May 2009 has a special significance for Tulsi Laxmi Suwal, as it was the day she found a mother pangolin with...
I was watching a talk show. The host was grilling the celebrated Panchyat-era figure former Prime Minister Kirti Nidhi Bista about his...