Paras resigns as cricket captain

Paras Khadka has stepped down as the captain of Nepal’s national cricket team, making the announcement via a Twitter post on 15 October. The resignation comes a day after the International Cricket Council (ICC) restored Nepal's membership by provisionally lifting a ban on Nepal Cricket Council (CAN).
"Great to know that the suspension of Nepal cricket has been lifted and would like to wish the new committee to work for the betterment of Nepal cricket, players and its stake holders," wrote Khadka in his social media post.

However, Khadka seems to have made the announcement without consulting CAN officials, raising suspicion that all was not well in his relationship with the cricket governing body. The newly-elected chairperson of CAN Chatur Bahadur Chand and General Secretary Ashok Nath Pyakurel said they had no information of Khadka's decision prior to the public tweet.
"There was no consultation. In fact I'm finding about it through media," said Chand.
Added Pyakurel: "I heard he resigned via social media. We do not know if it is official or not. Once there is an official resignation then there would be further steps."
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Khadka debuted in the senior team in the year 2004 and was appointed captain in 2009 when he was just 22. Immediately under his captainship, Nepal won ICC World Cricket League Division 5 for the first time. Since getting ODI status in 2018, Nepal has played 6 matches, win-loss record of 3-3. Of the 28 international T20 matches, he was captained 27 with win and loss record at 12-14.
Khadka is the most celebrated and the most successful player in the history of cricket in Nepal.