The road out of Nepal

Extended road network has improved access, but also become a conduit for outmigration

Chetan Adhikari

Keeping brain and tongue in sync

An author's struggles with English language pronunciation

Anbika Giri

Free-visa-free-ticket policy in limbo

Fix it if it is not working.

Upasana Khadka

Nepal Bhasa on Google Translate

Saving an endangered indigenous language by using latest AI and LLM tools

Vishad Raj Onta

The tale of four Nepalis in Mumbai

"Here, all you have is hard work. You can eat only if you work hard."

Nepali Times

Does Nepal really have too many tigers?

The answer is no. We must learn to manage wildlife better.

Sudiksha Tuladhar

Nepal chops chopper flights to Everest

Unrestricted helicopter operations in an ecologically sensitive World Heritage Site is not a good idea

Arjun Dhakal

Alarm in Nepal after Tibet quake

The Xigatse earthquake coincided with anniversaries of 1934 and 2015, and were reminders to be better prepared

Sonia Awale

Eyes wide open in Mustang

Kishor Kayastha presents an exposition of wall-size prints spanning 20 years

Kunda Dixit