Small Bhutan Dreams Big
Despite a painful refugee history, Nepal and Bhutan have much to learn from each other
Despite a painful refugee history, Nepal and Bhutan have much to learn from each other
Nepal needs development, but development needs to be redefined.
A migrant worker from Nepal’s Musahar community proves that good migration can be an equaliser of opportunities
Nearly half of the Nepalis are still positive about the direction the country has been going, say there has been significant progress in gender equality
Rural areas of Nepal’s best performing province are better off than its towns
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak commits to helping Nepal with the climate crisis and economy
Toni Hagen’s photographs of remote western Nepal from the 1950s show how much it has changed, and how much is the same
Prime Minister Dahal on the climate crisis, the Ncell sale and persistent under-development
Gita Adhikari, the deputy mayor of Damak, quit her job as assistant campus chief of Damak Multiple Campus when she was nominated...
KhotangLast year, as Nepal plunged headlong into the second wave of Covid-19, cities around the country including Kathmandu Valley announced lockdowns, and people of...