One more to remember
But miracles are liars that elude us when we need them the most.
As we perimenopause
It is a lonely journey, this. No one tells you you will experience a hundred things.
Taking the longcut
Trying to understand the female body is like staring into an abyss
Trees, trees
Most importantly, trees are the outstanding stories of survival
What’s not to say about rosacea?
I’m thrilled any day I wake up and it’s cloudy. A gloomy day is gentler on my face and rain is bliss
Mother, who creates
We must find joy in serving. That’s what my parents taught me.
Our mothers’ silences
They bring us into this world but the only way we can bring them into the world is by offering our words/work.
Warm my hands
The feeling is packed with familiarity and yet it is alarming with someone’s elbow going over her face, some crotch pressed to her side and someone’s garlic breath upon her hair.
Two women in a boat and some tea
A dragon fly perches on the oar and she pauses briefly, lets it alight on a bundle of grass parked on the side of the boat, and then rows again
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